The United States is recognized for being the most dominant military and economic power in the world. A diverse country in terms of cultural influence, the U.S. lures many immigrants with the promise of human rights, freedom, religious freedom, a rich business climate, and opportunity for a better life.

The United States currently has a population of 310,232,863, 42,788,029 of those are immigrants from other nations. A plurality of these immigrants come directly from Mexico. Some 11,635,995 individuals in the U.S. currently are Mexican by birth. The U.S. also has a large percentage of Asian immigrants hailing from China, the Philippines, India, Vietnam, and South Korea. The immigrant population is rounded out with immigrants from Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Cuba, and Canada. The attraction of the U.S. lies in existing cultural communities from many of these nations in addition to the belief that the U.S. is the land of opportunity.

How does the U.S. feel towards immigrating populations? That really depends on who you ask. It’s no secret that President Donald Trump is no real fan of immigrants, but polls show that some 60% of Americans disagree with his wall-building plan. Recent research also shows that the general feeling that immigrants are a burden on the country has declined by 36% since 1994. In fact, 63% of Americans now feel that immigrants strengthen the country. So overall, while there are some individuals who feel their jobs are being stolen by immigrants, that number is much lower than some may have you believe. In general, U.S. citizens are welcoming and accepting of immigrating populations.

To apply for permanent residence in the United States you can be sponsored, i.e. you must be related to a U.S. citizen or green-card holder. Note that different relationships are given higher priority over others. Or you must secure employment with a U.S. company. You may also qualify as a refugee or become a resident through the “green card lottery.”

Immigrant population of the United States by Country of Origin – 42,788,029 immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population
Mexico 27.19% Vietnam 2.71%
China 4.06% El Salvador 2.61%
Philippines 4.02% South Korea 2.46%
India 3.87% Cuba 2.32%
Puerto Rico* 3.86% Canada 1.95%


American Emigrants by Destination Country

American Emigrants by Destination Country


The Russian Federation is the largest country by landmass in the world. With one of the largest growing economies and vast natural resources, the Russian Federation is becoming an attraction for immigrants worldwide. Despite poor human rights, high levels of corruption, and not being a particularly safe place to live, the sense of opportunity is a shining light for immigrants from smaller, poorer neighboring countries.

The Russian Federation currently has a population of 139,390,205, 12,270,388 of those s are immigrants from other nations. Approximately half of those immigrant’s hail from the Ukraine and Kazakhstan alone. Currently, some 3,647,234 individuals living in Russia were born in the Ukraine and 2,648,315 were born in Kazakhstan. Other major contributors to the Russian immigrant population include Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Moldova. The vast majority of these immigrants come seeking employment in menial jobs with few amenities, but jobs all the same.

How do Russian’s feel about the influx of immigrants and current immigrant population? Ask the Russian government and you will learn that they are happy to welcome immigrants willing to work low-paying (or no paying) jobs in exchange for a roof over their head in the vast country. For the Russian government, welcoming immigrants is guaranteed  labor. This is labour that Russians know is imperative to rebuilding their country following a prolonged recession. It is this need for immigrant labour that forces the Russian people to accept their government welcoming immigrants. Nationals who show anti-immigrant sentiments face government persecution for promoting unacceptable nationalism.

So essentially the Russian people have little say in the acceptance of immigrants. This does not mean, however, that immigrants are treated well by nationals. Studies show that some 67% of Russians feel negatively towards immigrants. The immigrant influx is seen as an invasion by poor nations, which is dragging down Russia as a whole. These negative sentiments are worsened for select national groups who are viewed with intolerance such as non-Slavic Russians coming from the North Caucasus.

While few residents of more established nations seek immigration to the Russian Federation, how would you go about seeking residency if you wanted to? In order to move to Russia permanently, all immigrants must have a Russian sponsor who can vouch for them. It is also necessary to submit an application to the Russian government. If accepted, a five-year temporary residency visa will be issued. This can be renewed repeatedly. It is important to know that Russia has national quotas set for the number of immigrants they will accept for each country every year.

If you want to become a Russian citizen after residency has been granted, you must live in the country for 7 years or marry a Russian national and file the appropriate paperwork.

Immigrant population of the Russian Federation by Country of Origin – 12,270,388 immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population
Ukraine 29.72% Georgia 5.25%
Kazakhstan 21.58% Armenia 4.02%
Belarus 7.81% Kyrgyzstan 3.87%
Uzbekistan 7.66% Tajikistan 3.2%
Azerbaijan 7.06% Moldova 2.32


Russian Emigrants by Country of Destination

Russian Emigrants by Destination Country


Saudi Arabia has a lot of land to offer and is a hub of Arabian wealth. Despite strict rule and regulation of society, Saudi Arabia’s wealth and opportunity is a drawing force for poorer neighbouring countries. This is despite poor human rights, high levels of corruption, low levels of safety, poor public healthcare systems and poor public education systems.

Saudi Arabia currently has a population of 25,731,776, 7,288,900 of those are immigrants from other nations. It is not surprising that none of Saudi Arabia’s biggest immigrating population are from more liberal countries like the U.S., Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom. This is most likely a result of political tensions as well as a lack of desire of westerners to live in a country with such strict and conservative laws, not to mention the lack of human rights and low levels of safety for immigrants. Saudi Arabia does hold promise for neighbouring countries where the economy is far from ideal, however. The largest population of immigrants in Saudi Arabia comes from India with 1,452,927 immigrants. The second largest contributor to Saudi Arabia’s immigrant population is Pakistan with 1,005,873 immigrants which is tied with Egypt with another 1,005,873 immigrants. Trailing behind these migrant native countries are Yemen, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Sudan, Indonesia, and Jordan.

With such a huge population of immigrants, how does Saudi Arabia feel about immigration? Saudi immigration policy has a firm hold on the immigrants that are permitted entry to the country. In fact, all immigrants must be sponsored by a local sponsor and have work permits guaranteed to them by citizens. This means that immigrant entry to the country is tightly regulated by Saudi nationals. This causes considerable problems, however, since the rules governing sponsorship are very vague leaving nationals to interpret them as they will. This results in a significant percentage of temporary Saudi residents feeling resentment towards Saudi nationals. Despite this tension, those foreign nationals who are granted residency in Saudi Arabia are generally welcomed by nationals. The exception to this is a few areas of the country where conservatism is pushed to the extreme.

How do you go about immigrating to Saudi Arabia? All immigrants must have a residence visa as well as a work permit. In order to process these, your employer must submit paperwork for your entry in addition to you submitting your own paperwork. It is also necessary to undergo a full medical exam and have proof of your academic or professional qualifications. Additionally, after arriving in the country, you may be required to undergo a second medical exam. Once you have been permitted entry to the country, you will be given your permit which you must carry at all times.

Immigrant population of Saudi Arabia by Country of Origin – 7,288,900 immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population Country of Origin %age of immigrant Population
India 19.93% Bangladesh 6.13%
Pakistan 13.8% Sri Lanka 5.37%
Egypt 13.8% Sudan 3.83%
Yemen 12.27% Indonesia 3.83%
Philippines 7.67% Jordan 2.36%


Saudi Emigrants by Destination Country

Saudi Emigrants by Destination Country


Canada is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. It is this availability of land and the Canadian welcoming attitude towards immigrants that attracts incoming immigrants annually. Of course, the human rights, property rights, quality of life, religious freedom, and well-developed public health and education systems are also a draw!

Canada currently has a population of approximately 36,000,000, 7,202,340 of those are immigrants from other nations. In addition to attracting immigrants from the United Kingdom and United States, Canada is a particularly attractive destination for many Asian countries. The United Kingdom is the largest source of Canada’s immigrants with some 674,746 individuals living there having come from the U.K. China is the second largest source of Canada’s immigrants with 543,573 immigrants living in Canada. Following that, India, the Philippines, Italy, the USA, Hong Kong, Germany, Poland, and Vietnam.

Where many nations are less accepting of immigrant populations, Canada is rather unique in its position. The current demographics of Canada mean that without immigrants, the Canadian population will decline in the coming years. Immigrant populations are what helps to maintain the nation’s economy. Due to this, most Canadians are happy to accept incoming immigrants. One concern for Canadians, however, is the focus of immigrants on larger industrialized cities. Immigrants flock to these developed areas in search of work and cultural hubs, however, these are the areas that offer the most opportunity for Canadians as well.

So, how do you go about immigrating to Canada? Eligibility to immigrate to Canada depends on a variety of criteria. There are multiple immigration programs available through the Canadian government, for example, there is a skilled workers program, an immigrant investors program, a family sponsorship program, a refugee program, and an Atlantic immigration pilot program, among other programs.

Immigrant population of Canada by Country of Origin – 7,202,340 immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant the Population Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population
United Kingdom 9.37% United States of America 4.05%
China 7.55% Hong Kong 3.48%
India 7.17% Germany 2.77%
Philippines 4.9% Poland 2.76%
Italy 4.8% Vietnam 2.59%


Canadian Emigrants by Destination Country

Canadian Emigrants by Destination Country


Ranked 3rd out of the top 80 countries by US News as one of the best nations in the world, the United Kingdom is one of the world’s most developed nations and holds considerable world influence. Long seen as a destination for immigrants worldwide, the United Kingdom has seen increasing diversity in immigrant populations over the last few decades. This increase in diversity is likely a result of the quality of human and property rights as well as religious freedom and well-developed public health and education systems.

The United Kingdom currently has a population of 62,348,447, 6,955,738 of those are immigrants from other nations. Similar to Spain, the immigrating population to the U.K. is quite diverse hailing from countries all over the world. The biggest source of the U.K.’s immigrants, unsurprisingly, is India with some 657,792 of the immigrant population being Indian by birth. Second to India is Poland with 521,446 of the U.K’s population immigrating from Poland. Following these two nations, Pakistan, Ireland, Germany, South Africa, Bangladesh, the USA, Jamaica, and Kenya are the largest contributors to the U.K’s immigrant population.

How do the British feel about immigrating populations? This very much depends on who you ask, particularly with Brexit looming over everyone’s heads. Many British feel that their culture is being diluted by foreign influence and their jobs are at risk due to the influx of workers willing to work for lower wages. Brexit has thrust this issue into the limelight, however, since a large portion of Britain’s immigrant population provide vital services that could not be filled adequately by native Britons. As the negotiations for Brexit continue, it seems that more and more British natives are being made aware of just how much the British economy depends on immigrants.

Current regulations for immigration to the United Kingdom are under scrutiny and likely to be revised with Brexit. As it currently stands, though, requirements for entry to the country vary depending on your reason for immigration. For most non-EU immigrants, entry to the country requires leave to enter the country. When granted, this may come with conditions and restrictions applied. You can read more about these restrictions and requirements.

Immigrant population of the United Kingdom by Country of Origin – 6,955,738 immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population
India 9.46% South Africa 3.25%
Poland 7.5% Bangladesh 3.02%
Pakistan 6.49% United States of America 2.63%
Ireland 6.07% Jamaica 2.27%
Germany 4.31% Kenya 2.2%


British Emigrants by Destination Country

British Emigrants by Destination Country


Ranked 19th out of the 80 best countries by US News as one of the best nations in the world, Spain is comprised of numerous semi-independent “communities.” The cultural influence of each of these historical kingdoms allows a nation of diverse and dynamic population. It is likely that this mixing pot of influence, as well as religious freedom and family-friendly atmosphere, is what appeals to many immigrants.

Spain currently has a population of 46,505,963, 6,900,547 of those are immigrants from other nations. The immigrating population to Spain is considerably diverse with people coming from Romania, Argentina, Ecuador, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Morocco. The largest number of immigrants come to Spain from Romania with 810,471 Romanian immigrants now living in the country. The second largest number of immigrants come to Spain from Morocco with 778,451 immigrants and following that is Ecuador with 519,123 immigrants.

The large and diverse patchwork of culture in Spain lures immigrants from all over the globe…but how do the Spanish feel about their increasing immigrant population? As it turns out, they are much more accepting than many other nations!

Xenophobia and conflicts between immigrants and nationals are rare in Spain. This almost welcoming attitude is thought to be a result of the existing diversity of the Spanish population. In a country that already embraces multiple cultures and religions, immigrants are rarely seen as a “threat” to the Spanish way of life. Despite Spain’s acceptance, however, immigrants still face a struggle with low salaries, high levels of unemployment, poverty, and job insecurity after settlement. Amid their economic crisis, however, Spain continues to accept many immigrants which only seems to worsen the quality of life for incoming populations. For many families, though, these effects of economic crisis are little of a deterrent.

So, just what does it take to immigrate to Spain? Amid increasing numbers of immigrants, Spain recently made reforms to their immigration policy, making things a little more confusing for those seeking entry. Depending on your reason for seeking entry to Spain, requirements for your application vary.

Immigrant population of Spain by Country of Origin – 6,900,547 Immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population
Romania 11.75% Argentina 4.8%
Morocco 11.28% Bolivia 3.98%
Ecuador 7.52% Germany 3.95%
United Kingdom 5.96% France 3.66%
Colombia 5.45% Peru 2.68%


Spanish Emigrants by Destination Country

Spanish Emigrants by Destination Country


France is one of the world’s most influential countries. A democratic nation with a wealthy population, a significant percentage of France’s people fall into a high-income bracket. This wealth and economic stability may be what brings many immigrants to France’s door.

France currently has a population of 64,768,389, 6,684,842 of those peoples are immigrants from other nations. A vast percentage of these immigrants came to the country from neighboring countries and EU member-states like Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Additionally, some 913,000 of France’s immigrants hail from Algeria, 840,000  from Morocco, and 762,0000 from Portugal.

The rich cultural heritage of France only continues to expand as the nation welcomes increasing diversity. How do the French feel about their increasing immigrant population? Well, the answer varies depending upon who you ask.

Many French are feeling an increasing strain from immigrants moving into the country, resulting in feelings of hostility. In light of the 2017 election of Emmanuel Macron, however, it appears that the French are less hostile towards immigration than many may have previously thought. As opposed to his more anti-immigration opponents in the presidential election, Macron believes that EU nations should be accepting of EU immigrants.

But what if you’re not an EU citizen? If you are seeking a life in France but are coming from a non-EU country, you must apply for a residence permit and display skills and talents that make you valuable to the country. It is likely that these regulations will become more strict in the future, however, as economic growth slows and unemployment slowly rises.

Immigrant population of France by Country of Origin – 6,684,842 Immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population Country of Origin %Age of Immigrant Population
Algeria 13.67% Tunisia 4.52%
Morocco 12.58% Turkey 4.48%
Portugal 11.40% United Kingdom 2.58%
Italy 6.74% Germany 2.56%
Spain 5.45% Belgium 2.06%


French Emigrants by Destination Country

French Emigrants by Destination Country


A wealthy country with a major presence in international organizations, Australia boasts quality of life, firm citizenship rights, opportunity for entrepreneurs, economic stability, and a large public services sector. In addition to job availability, Australia boasts a huge English-speaking population, a safe environment, and a high level of happiness among its citizens.

Australia currently has some 5.5 million immigrants. Over 1.2 million of those immigrants came from the United Kingdom and 486,000 from New Zealand. The remaining foreign-born population entered Australia from a variety of countries including India, China, Greece, Vietnam, and South Africa.

A very proud nation of people, Australia holds their cultural values dear which can cause some negative sentiment towards immigrants who are unwilling to integrate. With that said, however, the Australian immigration system is designed to ensure that incoming immigrants at least have something to offer. Under the current system, of the 190,000 non-humanitarian immigrants permitted entry to the country annually, around 66% must be skilled laborers. So, if you’re looking to immigrate to Australia but do not have skilled work potential, immigration is going to prove difficult.

What makes a skilled immigrant? Entrants to the country receive “points” that score their potential as skilled workers. Points are awarded for age, English proficiency, education, work experience, skills of accompanying family members, and any employment certifications.

Immigrants to Australia who do not get judged under this system are those with employer-nominations, workers in specific “in-demand” occupations, and any humanitarian applicants.

The Australian immigration system is currently under review and so things could change in the near future. Overall, however, if you have something to offer and don’t intend on being an obvious drain on the thriving economy, Australia is a beautiful and hospitable immigration destination.

immigrant population of Australia by Country of Origin – 5,22,408 Immigrants

Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population Country of Origin %age of Immigrant Population
United Kingdom 21.87% Vietnam 3.58%
New Zealand 8.82% Philippines 2.75%
China 5.35% Greece 2.54%
Italy 4.28% South Africa 2.4%
India 3.8% Germany 2.39%


Emigrants from Australia by Destination Country

Australian Emigrants by Destination Country


When it comes to ranking the best countries in the world, India comes in at #25 out of the top 60 according to U.S. News. Despite this overall ranking, however, India makes it to the top ten when it comes to immigration-friendly countries.

With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India ranks as the second most populous country in the world. Despite their population size, however, India still is home to more than 5 million immigrants.

So, what is it that makes this such an appealing country to immigrants? A combination of low cost of living and immigration friendliness certainly puts India at the top of many immigrant’s lists. It is perhaps the low manufacturing costs and the fact that India ranks as #4 in the best countries to start a business that appeals to the entrepreneurial minded. The political climate in India is a concern, however, and before deciding to immigrate to the country, it’s important to fully research your destination state and city.

Although India is a popular country for immigrants, most of these immigrants are those seeking refuge from neighbouring countries. For these refugees, the limited resources and poor job market in India are far less concerning than they might be for citizens of free countries.

It is also worth noting, that although India has been a destination for over 5 million immigrants, some 15.6 million people have emigrated. 2.1 million of these emigrants headed for the United Arab Emirates and 1.6 million for the United States.

Immigrant population of India by Country of Origin – 5,436,012 Immigrants

Country of Origin % of Immigrant Population Country of Origin % of Immigrant Population
Bangladesh 60.69% China 0.47%
Pakistan 21.17% Malaysia 0.24%
Nepal 10.39% United Arab Emirates 0.23%
Sri Lanka 2.97% Afghanistan 0.15%
Myanmar 0.97% Bhutan 0.13%


Emigrants from India by Destination Country

Indian Emigrants by Country